Febiweri: Lov Op Yuself Dis Mont!

Febiweri n. February.
Flowaz sel plenti eena Febiweri sayk a Valentainz Day.
Flowers sell well in February because of Valentine's Day.

lov v. love.
Mai onkl oanli lov fi hihn waif.
My uncle really loves his wife.
See: chek, kay fi, laik.

n. love.
Lov noh ga no frayvrit.
Love has no favourites.

lov op v.phr. pet (fondle)
Enitaihn yu si dehn too, dehn di lov op.
Whenever you see those two, they are fondling each other.
See: fingl, hoal...op.

marid v. marry, wed. (Eng. past tense form is infinitive form in Kriol.)
Wai yu noh marid da gyal if yu lov ahn?
Why don't you marry that girl if you love her?
See: brok ih nek.

adj. married.
Ah tel shee fi stap play wid da marid man.
I told her to stop having an affair with that married man.

marij n. marriage.
Fi dehn marij laas lang kaa dehn lov wan anada bad.
Their marriage has lasted a long time because they love each other deeply.

adj. marriage.
Datdeh marij servis mi lang, lang, lang.
That marriage service was very long.

los v. lust; feel an intense desire.
Ih noh gud fi los aafa ada pipl waif.
It's not good to lust after another man's wife.

n. lust.
Di Baibl seh los da wan a di sebm sin dehn.
According to the Bible, lust is one of the seven sins.

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Kriol is the language spoken by many Belizeans, especially the Creole people of Belize. Although it is often perceived as a dialect of English, it is indeed it's own language with grammar and spelling rules. The National Kriol Council of Belize was created to promote the culture and language of the Kriol people of Belize, as well as harmony among all the ethnic groups of Belize. Please visit the website of the National Kriol Council of Belize for lots of good information about the Kriol language and the Creole people.

The Kriol Council has been kind enough to send us the weekly "Weh Wi Ga Fi Seh" column that is usually published in the Reporter.

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