Fahn "yoo" tu "yooz" eena Kriol

yoo pro. you. (Emphatic 2nd person sg. form of 'yu'.) Da yoo da di wan Ah waahn si, noh hihn. You are the one I want to see, not him.
fi yoo phr. your, yours. (Emphatic sg. poss.) Dis pensl da fi yoo. This pencil is yours.
fi yoo wan phr. yours. Mek wi stap aagyu; dis da fi mee wan, ahn dis da fi yoo wan. Let's stop arguing; this is mine, and this is yours.


yoojali Variant: yoozhali.



yoonifaam n. uniform. Di pikni dehn hafu wayr dehn yoonifaam da skool evri day. The children must wear their uniforms to school every day.



yooniversiti n. university. Aziza da di fos wan eena fi wee famili fi gaahn da yooniversiti. Aziza is the first one in our family to go to the university.



yoonyan n. union. Wi gaahn jain yoonyan kaa wi baas tu chaansi. We went and joined the union because our boss was taking advantage of us.



yoos n. use. Di oanli yoos Ah ga fi Maikl da fi ih moni. The only use that I have for Michael is for his money.



yoostu v. used to. Mi pa yoostu werk fi di govament lang taim. Long ago my father used to work for the government. See: doz.
adj. accustomed, used to. Yu ku si shee noh yoostu eet eena fansi restorant kaa ih noh eevn noa how fi yooz naif ahn faak. You can tell she's not used to eating in fancy restaurants because she doesn't even know how to use a knife and fork. See: kostom.



yoot n. youth. Di yoot dehn mos tink bowt weh di hapm rait now. The youths should think about what's happening right now.



yooz v. use. Di teecha aalwayz di yooz lee stoari wen ih teech wi. The teacher always uses little stories when he teaches us.
yooz op v.phr. abuse verbally, berate, tell off. Mi baas yooz mi op front a mi fren dehn ahn shaym mi op. My boss told me off in front of my friends and shamed me. See: bles...aaf, chrays...aaf, kos aaf, tel aaf.


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Kriol is the language spoken by many Belizeans, especially the Creole people of Belize. Although it is often perceived as a dialect of English, it is indeed it's own language with grammar and spelling rules. The National Kriol Council of Belize was created to promote the culture and language of the Kriol people of Belize, as well as harmony among all the ethnic groups of Belize. Please visit the website of the National Kriol Council of Belize for lots of good information about the Kriol language and the Creole people.

The Kriol Council has been kind enough to send us the weekly "Weh Wi Ga Fi Seh" column that is usually published in the Reporter.

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